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Review PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Integrated Amplifier by Hi-Fi i Muzyka

New Review!
Once again, we have received a very nice review from Poland. This time, Hi-Fi i Muzyka has reviewed our PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Integrated Amplifier, and they say the following:
“A gdyby tak nie traktować EVO 400 jak lampy, tylko po prostu porównać ją ze wzmacniaczami w podobnej cenie? Jeżeli szukacie urządzenia do 30 kzł, po prostu to zróbcie. Jeżeli wygra, nie wyciągajcie pochopnych wniosków, że skoro „lampa jest lepsza”, to „jeszcze bardziej lampowa lampa” również powinna wygrać. Nie tędy droga. A już na pewno nie droga Hermana van den Dugena.”
Translated in the English language:
“What if you didn’t treat the EVO 400 like a tube amplifier but compared it with similarly priced amplifiers? If you are looking for a device up to € 6.750,-, do it! If it’s the winner for you, don’t conclude that it’s because “a tube is better” or “an even more tube-like amp” should always win. That is not the way to go. And certainly not the way of Herman van den Dungen. The EVO400 is an excellent amplifier. That simple!”
The entire review in Polish can be read through the link below.
Hereby we want to thank Hi-Fi i Muzyka for reviewing our PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Integrated Amplifier. Also, we want to thank our distributor in Poland, audiofast, for making the review possible!
If you want to experience our PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Integrated Amplifier? Click on the link below to get in touch with your nearest PrimaLuna dealer.