EVO 200 Integrated Reviews
The PrimaLuna EVO 200 integrated amp is all about delivering a rich, musical experience that sets it apart from the competition. If you’ve never heard a serious valve amplifier, this is the perfect place to start. Its beautiful midrange brings out the details in human voices and acoustic instruments like magic, making music sound alive and deeply engaging.
"-- Hi-Fi Choice Magazine UK
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PrimaLuna ist ein Herzensprojekt – sehr schlau umgesetzt. Beide EVO-Amps tönen mit dem typischen, gewünschten Röhren-Sound, aber in die Neuzeit transferiert. Die Kombination mit Analyse ohne Härte und die Lust an der Dynamik sind selten am Weltmarkt – jedenfalls zu diesen Preisen. Gibt es Kompromisse? Nein, weder im Klang noch in der Präzision der Fertigung – und die Adaptive Auto Bias wird auf Jahre den möglichen Tausch der Röhren vereinfachen. Der Unterschied zwischen Modell 100 und 200 ist hörbar, aber undramatisch. Schon der kleine Bruder verführt maximal.
"-- Lowbeats Magazine
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PrimaLuna has managed, through efficient design and streamlined manufacturing, to push the price of their products down to a level that could also be described as an investment with an absolute bargain. And the EVO 200 Tube Integrated Amplifier is no exception!
"-- Viktor Kubal - Watt Audio
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EVO 200 wydaje się nie mieć żadnych kompleksów zarówno w stosunku do podobnie wycenionych wzmacniaczy półprzewodnikowych, jak i konstrukcji sporo droższych. To otwarta na różne warianty brzmienia integra, proponująca jeszcze szlachetniejszy i bardziej angażujący dźwięk niż EVO 100. Aby jednak móc ocenić jej brzmienie w szerszym kontekście, tj. na tle aktualnej oferty PrimaLuny, muszę jeszcze sprawdzić przynajmniej EVO 300. Mam nadzieję, że już niebawem mi się to uda.
"-- Marcin Gałuszka - HiFi Class Magazine
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If you’re in the market for an integrated amp under £3k, the Evo 200 needs to be at the top of your shortlist!
"-- Andrew Simpson - Audiograde Magazine UK
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Un amplificador a válvulas ideal para quien no quiera complicarse con las válvulas. No hace falta ser técnico en nada, ni meticuloso, ni obsesivo con su conservación. Me gustan las cosas sencillas, cuando quiero escuchar música… quiero escuchar música. Este integrado está diseñado con esta idea.
"-- Amigos Hifi - Josep Busquets
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Nessun impastamento ... ogni nota tenuta il tempo necessario.
"-- AUDIOPHILE SOUND - Pierre Bolduc
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Con unempuje y un control genuinamente "solid state", esta electrónica de audio aparentemente convencional brilla gracias a la creatividad de su nada convencional ingeniería
"-- ON OFF magazine
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Le componenti materiche sono molto buone, il corpo è imponente, i passaggi di tastiera hanno un’incidenza eccezionale con un bel punch.
"-- Rivista FDS – “Fedeltà del Suono” - Alberto Guerrini
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The EVO is not like my weighty solid-state Krell. This is pure valve heaven, producing a lustre to the music that was highly engaging
"-- Hifi Pig magazine - Janine Elliot
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The PrimaLuna has enough power to work with a good selection of speakers.
"-- Hifi Choice magazine - Ed Selly
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It is a tube amplifier that offers all the attributes that devices of this type are loved for. But it is also not a "retro" amplifier, but an example of a modern use of this technology carried out in a really very good way.
"-- HighFidelity.pl - WOJCIECH PACUŁA
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The PrimaLuna EVO 200 has been a pleasure to review. It delivers a tuneful musicality, with body and fluidity that makes music listening more addictive then you though it could be. Music is painted with slightly warmer than neutral strokes, which makes listening to a wider array of recording that much more enjoyable. Sounding consistently solid, firm and bigger than its power rating might suggest, the EVO 200 integrated amplifier from PrimaLuna offers tremendous value and I can see it being an end-game for many enthusiasts
"-- NOVO Audio & Technology Magazine - George de Sa
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PrimaLuna’s EVO 200 really impressed me. I’ve seen too many bonkers tube amps that only thrive with one particular type of loudspeaker or music type in my time – yet this is a great, sensible, middle-of-the-road design that’s obviously very well engineered.
"-- David Price - StereoNET magazine
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This is an exceptional valve amplifier that is consistently easy to live with, beautifully made and possessed of the power needed to make it practical with many modern loudspeaker designs and is likely to appeal to a far wider spread of potential buyers than might initially have been expected. Verdict: 5 stars, Recommended component!
"-- Hifi Choice magazine - Ed Selly
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